It’s that time of year again! Daylight Saving, March 8th 2015 –
When you change your clocks ahead this Sunday, it’s a great time to do the following:
1. Change the batteries in your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors!
2. Change the filters to help your furnace and air conditioner run at optimal efficiency all year long. A standard filter should be changed once every 3 months while a 1” pleated filter may have to be changed once per month, especially with high amount pollen we get each Spring. We also have a line of high capacity filters that can be adapted to a system and usually last a year before requiring a change.
3. Clean out your closet. Donate items to charity for a year- end tax deductions or host a garage sale.
4. Skip your morning coffee shop trip! Put that money toward a vacation fund or groceries for the week.
5. Exercise outside. Skip the pricey gym workout and put that $20 -$30 toward your weekly expenses.
6. Create a weekly meal plan. Making a list will help you avoid temptation at the grocery store or resist the urge to eat out.
7. Set one new financial goal. Money management is a marathon – not a sprint – so it is important to stay motivated.