How to Prepare Your Home for the Winter in Albany NY

Before you know it, winter will be here – which means freezing temperatures and frigid conditions. One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is to wait too long to prepare your home for the upcoming season.

Below are a few tips to help make sure your home is ready for ole’ Jack Frost:

  • Have your chimney cleaned and inspected. An important consideration is to make sure your chimney is free of debris.If your flume and chimney become clogged it can not only cause serious ventilation issues, but serve as a potential fire hazard as well.
  • Don’t neglect your heating system. In addition to making sure you change your furnace filters every month, always have your furnace inspected by a licensed heating and air conditioning professional at least once per year. A thorough cleaning of your heating system can prevent costly breakdowns and add years to its life. Make this a number one priority when you begin to winterize your home.
  • Clean your gutters. Clean out your gutters by spraying water from a hose into them to remove any debris such as leaves and branches. Gutters must be clear to drain water properly which will prevent ice damming them up. This also helps prevent a flooded basement which can result from accumulated melted snow. When considering how best to safeguard your home this winter, don’t neglect the importance of cleaning your gutters.
  • Check the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. In most cities it is a law to have smoke detectors in your home, however carbon monoxide detectors are equally as important. Be sure you have these life-saving devices installed and always check that the batteries are working.
  • Prevent unnecessary plumbing freeze ups. Another important consideration as you winterize your home is to make sure your plumbing fixtures are properly protected and prepared for freezing temperatures. Aside from draining all your garden hoses, be sure to insulate any exposed pipes and fixtures.

Taking a few precautionary steps to prepare your home for winter can save you unnecessary headaches and literally hundreds of dollars. In addition to these helpful hints, if you’re looking to save on your energy bill you may also want to look into the benefits of programmable thermostats or a new energy efficient heating system. Contact Crisafulli Bros., your local Albany and Capitol Region HVAC professional contractor to learn more.

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