The Importance of Routine AC Maintenance in Albany NY

Did you know that without routine air conditioner maintenance your unit can lose up 5% of its efficiency annually over time? Your air conditioning system is much like an automobile; it is a tough piece of equipment prepared to withstand a good amount of use. However, much like an automobile, it requires a tune-up and scheduled maintenance.

Studies also indicate that regular AC tune-ups will maintain up to 95% of its original efficiency. In terms of finance, the cost of annual AC maintenance is recovered very quickly in savings on your monthly utility bill and reduced repair costs.

Here are some more benefits of routine AC maintenance:

  • Ensure unit is running at manufacturer’s specifications
  • Reduce monthly utility bills
  • Increase the lifespan of your unit
  • Prevent the growth of harmful air quality conditions
  • Reduce dust particles, dirt, and bacteria
  • Prevent an inconvenient breakdown

Are you looking for an experience HVAC technician in Albany and Clifton Park, NY to perform your routine AC maintenance? Look no further than Crisafulli Bros. Plumbing and Heating. Serving the Capital Region for more than 70 years. With less service problems, more efficient air flow, and lower energy bills, the benefits of routine AC maintenance far outweigh the monthly cost. Contact us today to learn more about our routine HVAC services.

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