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What is Your Air Conditioner’s S.E.E.R Rating?

As a typical homeowner you may not fully understand the benefits of a S.E.E.R rating. The SEER rating is the most common way to measure your air conditioning unit’s energy-efficiency. SEER rating describes how well your unit converts electricity to cool power

The performance of your AC unit is largely dependent upon your HVAC unit’s operating efficiency. What does this mean for you as an Albany, New York homeowner? It means you can save thousands on energy costs when you fully understand how to enhance efficiency with a unit that has a higher SEER rating. SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating) is a system that was developed by the federal government and equipment manufacturers. It’s a guideline that measures energy consumption so consumers can monitor the carbon footprint and energy output of their residential AC unit. Simply put, the more energy-efficient an air conditioner is, the higher its SEER rating will be.

The Math of SEER and Measuring Energy Efficiency

In January of 2006, the federal government issued a mandate that stated all new central air-conditioning equipment must meet a minimum requirement of 13 SEER. Some equipment manufacturers took the mandate seriously by developing equipment that was rated anywhere between 18 to 23 SEER. SEER is the amount of cooling output as measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). It measures how much it costs for your AC system to cool your property. Despite common belief, it does not measure how well your unit cools your property, just the cost of its operation.

A central air conditioning system with a high SEER rating is ideal when you want to save the most amount of money on energy costs, reduce your energy expenditure, and invest in a system that will give you a high return on investment.

As energy rates increase, so does the importance of having an energy-efficient HVAC unit. To learn more about the benefits of a high SEER system, contact Crisafulli Bros., Albany, New York’s HVAC professionals today.

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